The video below was shared by X user @WideAwakeMedia on Monday. It is a time lapse of the construction of a typical onshore wind turbine, one that appears to be one of the 350’ tall models, or near that. As you will see in the video, construction of the circular, underground foundations is a highly complex project involving an incredible amount of steel and concrete - one study I found claims as much as 1,000 metric tons of concrete alone for the foundation of this size turbine.
The manufacturing of both steel and concrete creates a high volume of carbon emissions and consumes an extraordinary amount of energy, but calculations for those processes often is left out of estimates for the wind industry’s emissions footprint. Because of course it is.
Anyway, watch the video and marvel at it all, and while doing so understand that, as Wide Awake Media points out:
“There are currently an estimated 500,000 wind turbines operating worldwide. Driven by global efforts to achieve Net Zero by 2050, that number is expected to grow exponentially by 2030. The typical lifespan of a wind turbine is roughly 20 years, after which a significant proportion of retired turbine blades end up in landfill sites, unable to be recycled. But remember, wind turbines are "saving the planet".
Finally, also understand that these enormous foundations will remain where they are for all eternity - there are no legal or regulatory requirements for them to be removed, because doing so would render every wind power installation on the planet immediately insolvent.
This is your wind industry, folks: Destroying the earth one massive foundation at a time.
The entire industry is truly one of the most destructive scams ever devised by the human mind.
That is all.
What’s so sad is that they are an example of Human talent, but also another example of how the talented can destroy or waste himself on a mistaken moral cause.
To add injury to injury...
In a number of "scholarly" papers comparing various qualities of energy sources, wind advocates have been caught using one set of numbers for the CO2 intensity of concrete and steel for wind turbine foundations, and a completely different set of numbers for the concrete and steel that goes into a nuclear electricity generator.
It's been maybe a decade since I've heard of this particular thing, but it was quite common when the LCOE numbers were being established.