Below is an excellent 2-minute video clip detailing what has become an all-too familiar story in recent years: Forests and other pristine wilderness landscapes being sacrificed to build massive wind farms so that elected officials can virtue signal about climate change. The video clip is a preview of a coming documentary titled, “Net-Zero: A Transition to Extinction.”
This example is from Australia, but we’ve seen similar scenes taking place all over the US, Canada, the UK, Europe and other nations around the world. It is a form of global insanity, a religious exercise based in the dogma-driven narratives of climate alarmism.
Give it a watch - a transcript follows:
Speaker 1: We're losing control of country by this rapid roll out of renewables. And that is something that really terrifies me. It really, really terrifies me that we're losing control of vast amounts of land and just handing it all over without even asking one question to the renewable energy sector. This is such a beautiful place. The Koalas. Greater gliders. Macro pods. Beautiful, amazing forests.
Speaker 2: I prefer to have nothing at all, just trees and plants and animals. Anything but a wind turbine. These things, horrible things are just being placed on, on, you know, on your country that you don't want those things there.
Speaker 1: The we’ll be getting these vast, vast pastoral leases properties converted to industrial land use. So as a part of the process, you know, these, the tenure of these properties, changes to industrial energy production. So it's one of the biggest land grabs in Australian history.
Speaker 3: They are part of the buffer of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. I have seen the proponents call them - and perhaps I'm using a little bit of poetic license here - but flogged out cattle property. These cattle don't graze along the top of those ridges. They barely visit them.
Again, this is just one of a thousand examples of what has been taking place all over the world, with these pristine wilderness areas no one would dream of leasing out for coal mining or oil and gas exploration being auctioned off to Big Wind developers with very little public input or concern from policymakers.
This is wrong, and real environmentalists would admit that. But the global climate religious cult isn’t run by real environmentalists - it is run by globalist grifters eager to benefit from the single biggest transfer of wealth in world history.
That’s the truth, and we shouldn’t be shy about saying it.
That is all.
I watched the SkyNews video “the real cost of net zero” this past weekend and it is excellent. It should be required viewing in every classroom, boardroom and legislative office.
Remove government money, it dies.