For the same reason I was. If you tell the truth about climate, climate policy and energy, you have to go. It's meta censorship.

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Same happened to me, last year.

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Sep 16Liked by David Blackmon

Suspended?!? That's nothing!

I've been a fairly attractive Chinese National woman named Lin Wu for over a year now!

And if you think that LinkedIn will respond in any way, shape or form, think again. They are literally a ZERO service group, that's completely automated/AI in nature.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by David Blackmon

David, you have just been handed a once in a lifetime opportunity. This is obviously censorship and a blatant violation of the First Amendment. If you sue LinkedIn, you will benefit from a huge increase in name recognition. You will likely get an interview on Fox News if you sue. GO FOR IT!!!!!!

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The First Amendment does not apply to private companies -- unless they are doing it on behalf of the government.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

I think you just pointed out the bigger issue. The Biden Administration is notorious for pressuring social media platforms to sensor inconvenient facts. Even if they didn't, it's still discrimination.

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Sep 16Liked by David Blackmon

Reid Hoffman doesn't like you, David.

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Guess not. LOL.

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Sep 17Liked by David Blackmon

I was suspended by LinkedIn last year. I gently and politely questioned the assumed narrative, which was overwhelmingly evident in almost all feature articles & comments.

In areas ranging from climate, Australian indigenous history relating to multiple migrations & the devastating use of fire & introduction of dingos, to sexual identity, & the fantasy that people could transit to the other sex.

Swarms of angry responses made it clear that my views were not fashionable, & so not acceptable.

LinkedIn suggested I reapply, but all attempts failed. I gave up.

I suspect that LinkedIn is run by largely leftists under 35, with little understanding of history and the world.

That is all, Sir.

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Sep 16Liked by David Blackmon

I was suspended also. The excuse was that my account may have been hacked and that I needed to provide a copy of my driver’s license or passport as a first step to get reinstated. Not going to happen since LinkedIn was hacked on June 5, 2012 where 6.5 million passwords were stolen by Russian hackers. So hacking is real. I also saw Reddit post where somebody’s account had been hacked and the hacker was posting on it.

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I'm sorry to hear about your suspension. It seems likely that your views, which counter their preferred narratives, led to this action. Your ideas and posts may be perceived as harmful to the Harris-Walz administration and the Democratic Party.

I know at least half a dozen conservative voices, including myself, who have been suspended from LinkedIn. They blocked my account about 1.5-2 years ago without reason or justification. Initially, they blocked a few of my posts - despite not violating any rules - and several posts simply disappeared without notice. Eventually, they suspended my account permanently, again without explanation.

At the time, I had 300,000-400,000 followers and over 21 million views. My only transgression was being a conservative voice posting fact-based content that, similar to your energy posts, didn't align with Democratic Party policies and ideology. LinkedIn, like other social media and AI continue to censor conservative voices in ways that are sometimes hard to detect. X is the exception of course and without Elon Musk our country would be in even more trouble with censorship. Good luck and keep us posted.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by David Blackmon

Same reason my posts were blocked.

They no rikey common sense.

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I was suspended from LinkedIn for sharing counter-Narrative Medical facts that were labelled "Misinformation". I waited a couple of years & rejoined under a different email. On LinkedIn I share my Substack posts. So far I've not been targeted for censorship. If it happened to you, I suspect censorship might be in my future.

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Sep 18Liked by David Blackmon

Contact them thru X @LinkedInHelp - They always are quick to respond there, as theirs shenanigans are exposed to much bigger audience. Always worked for me (suspended on LI over 10 times since 2020).

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Sep 17Liked by David Blackmon


Don't waste your time and effort with any of these "social media" platforms. LinkedIn is nothing more than a venue to sell shit, like any of these platforms that rely on advertising. If you get tossed from any of them, it should be considered a badge of honor.

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Sep 17Liked by David Blackmon

LinkedIn is deep state. They are info censors and thought police. Quit them and Netflix , another Luciferian crime syndicate company.

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Sep 17Liked by David Blackmon

I posted this link on LinkedIn. Don't know what the result will be.

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Sep 17Liked by David Blackmon

The 'possibly hacked account' is a convenient 'excuse'. It can also be applied to bank accounts -although some govs and bank don't bother giving a reason and simply block - Canada - or refuse - Nigel Farage - 'unsavory' elements in society.

It can work for healthcare registration, creditcards, digital passports ('Sorry Sir, no more travelling to countres we sanction') etc. Around 2007 a US documenttary maker who filmed a doc that was critical on Washington's motives to invade Iraq was taken aside at airports 37 x when travelling within the US. Spending many hours in airport security rooms because 'there was something with your documents'. Obviously there wasn't. The US gov was letting her know her activiies weren't appreciated.

We're now entering he era of deep fakes where any citizen can be cloned dgitally and portrayed as some criminal, idiot, racist etc. So many optons to discredit someone. Obviously media attention is mostly, or perhaps better, exclusively about what our 'ideological' foreign enemies would do with it. Because western intel services would never do such a thing right?

Now that neocons have basically merged with foreign policy hawks and with liberal internationalists, who typically dominate media, for the interested reader:

The Left Has an Authoritarian Problem (but Doesn’t Know It). Luke Conway examines left-wing authoritarianism in the US. He and his colleagues gave a large sample of Americans an authoritarianism questionnaire and then asked them whether they saw themself as authoritarian. The authors found that, among liberals, those who scored high on authoritarianism were less likely to see themselves as authoritarian.

The Left Has an Authoritarian Problem (but Doesn’t Know It) Written By Luke Conway


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Sep 17Liked by David Blackmon

David, I was under the impression theuly ja d become more tolerant over the last year. My guess is that you upset someone who then orchestrated complaints, which automatically results in suspension. Best of luck getting it revoked.

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Sep 16Liked by David Blackmon

And since I posted my response to David’s post - my LinkedIn acct has been restricted!!

The house committee looking into Google needs to add LinkedIn. While they’re at it, add microshaft to the list of bad actors cooperating with China. The administration has banned Kaspersky, but they only take after those that are vocal detractors of the administration.

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