I like the post- not the DOE proposal.

Power hungry bureaucrats as usual.

Granholm is one of the worst. A total know nothing in love with herself.

The idiocy is revealed by the dictat that these are for wind and solar only, the least reliable forms of energy .

Someone please save us from these ideologues

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Jun 17Liked by David Blackmon

Better idea - just say NO. NO to wind, solar, batteries. Just say YES to building gas and coal near where the electricity is needed until the nuke can get built and placed in operation. No need for long haul of low power output generation that needs inversion and transformers to get to line voltage. These DOE people are insane, incompetent, and otherwise just plain old inconsiderate of other people’s rights. Typical of the bozo joe administration.

I can only imagine the uprisings over the federal government seizing land in the middle of the continent. And all for naught, we don’t need to increase the price by forcing renewables on the general public because some politicians donor gave a lot of money (that will be recovered as a siphon off fund from the subsidy) to push the illogical choice.

Its time to make people aware of the choice in the ejection - dictatorial communism or return to freedom in November.

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Freedom stealing and anti human flourishing. The apathy of the public continues to amaze me….

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Truly astounding

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I’m sure most of these great folks have decades of experience in electrical engineering and know exactly what they are doing…

Try saying that with a straight face.

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And nobody wants to talk about the issues around the inverter problems - matching cycles and voltage of the grid to avoid the ‘friction’ on the grid backbone. But to libtards it’s just an arm wave to disregard this and say it’s not a problem the technical details can be worked out. The problem is not just technical issue but an operational execution issue - which both solar and wind have failed to deliver as promised since tge big green push!!

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Jun 17Liked by David Blackmon

More theft of agricultural land. More promotion of food scarcity as well as energy scarcity. The ruling Overlords really do hate the people. They might as well have declared war against us.

Just to add expensive transmission and immense land area to the already too expensive wind & solar energy scam. Plus battery storage and hydrogen storage @ ~30% round trip efficiency. Not even close to economically feasible. Insanity.

It gets worse, much worse. President of Serbia: Three or Four Months Away From a Big Global Escalation of the Russia-Ukraine proxy war. WW3 anybody? The train has left the station and no one can stop it:


Col. Black: NATO Is Preparing For a Nuclear Strike on Russia, And Russia Knows It:


"...Russia's nuclear doctrine is exclusively defensive, and it provides for scenarios under which nuclear weapons can be used. One, of course, is if Russia is simply attacked by nuclear missiles. Another one is if the Russian state is threatened by superior weapons, conventional or otherwise, which is actually an existential threat to the cohesion of the Russian nation. The most important, however, is that under their doctrine, they would be able to use nuclear weapons if they believe that nuclear missiles are being launched against it. In other words, if an attack is aimed at crippling its nuclear forces, if they believe there are missiles being launched which is aimed at crippling its nuclear forces. They can respond. Now, if you look at where we are right now with the three drone attacks directed at their eyes and ears against nuclear attacks, this clearly would trigger the nuclear doctrine of the of Russian state..."

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As an added feature, now they want to draft your daughters and send them to the killing fields in Ukraine:

"So, it appears that this father, who famously said, "You're not drafting my daughter!" was right all along. They have placed the requirement for women to register for Selective Service on the table for the 2025 NDAA":


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Jun 17Liked by David Blackmon

Colorado's in there also. Also question, why is the western (Calif) line so skinny when the other ones are so fat?

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Jun 17Liked by David Blackmon

Ironic or intentional that the acronym for this new fascist overreach sounds like Nietzsche?

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Honestly, I would not be at all surprised if we find out it's intentional. These leftist radicals do love their symbolism, after all.

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Jun 17Liked by David Blackmon

Check out Texas' transmission proposals - just as bad.... of course renewables need their own grid and the Permian has to be electrified - how ridiculous!

Didn't we just go through that with electrifying gas generation during URI not working......?

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Jun 17Liked by David Blackmon

And the cancer grows.

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The violation of private property rights is a feature and not a bug to these cockroaches.

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Jun 18Liked by David Blackmon

An additional crazy thing is that the transmission lines (if built) will be good for generations, but the wind and solar they're servicing won't last 20 years. They'll just be a monument to stupidity after the wind and solar wear out.

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Jun 18Liked by David Blackmon

That's an excellent point. The transmission lines will be pretty much useless. And hard to salvage. A giant eyesore that will be just so embarrassing to the idiots who foisted it upon us. Sadly by that time they will likely be retired in some paradise living in the lap of luxury, while the rest of us suffer the consequences.

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Jun 18Liked by David Blackmon

For further decrepit government land grab tales check out Elizabeth nickson’s “welcome to absurdistan” latest post. The government along with our friend bill gates plan to corner every inch of public land in order to cull our herd. These pricks think the planet is too crowded despite global population declines. It’s not just a replacement theory. It’s a displacement theory as well.

Maybe they are just taking direction from aliens ready to return. Or Blackrock.

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Jun 17Liked by David Blackmon

It’s what we should expect from the woke left. Let’s override local opposition in the fly over zone where most are very conservative to install power lines to take power to mostly red left areas with almost no benefit and lots of bad stuff for those in the fly over. We can only hope Trump jumps in this in the fly over to bring a higher focus in the theft that appears to be proposed.

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Jun 18Liked by David Blackmon

This is a travesty.

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Alternative headline: DOE Children Scribble On Map of Land Requests, Chaos Ensues.

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Jun 17Liked by David Blackmon

I own property extremely close to one of the red lines in Nebraska. Thought I would send a letter to the Governor. However, I am not exactly sure what I should say. (Other than the obvious - WTH?)

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At the state level, I'd send letter to the Governor and AG and urge them to sue the federal government to halt this land grab.

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A fascinating selective shortage of information. I note the DOD pink area, which is huge and no one appears to remark about. I also note the shape of the potential NIETC regions ... it would be more fruitful to see these overlaid against topography because their appearance is suggestive of a topographical variable? There appears more than 'transmission' going on here.

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Jun 17Liked by David Blackmon

Of course, they will be “unexpectedly” shocked when another administration uses the same methods for pipelines in the future. Why do these morons think things can only go one way?

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they think they have won and shut up, little peasant. The long march has succeeded, all that's left is to take care of a few resisters, gulag, execution, whatever.

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