No way! Someone from the industry who understands P&L risk is going to be in a position of authority in DC??? Gosh, that sure will make the Swamp Rats sad.

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Rising prices should be good for producers - what's the effect for consumers? With natty double what it was earlier in the year, are US consumers on board for increases in their heating and electric bills?

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now if Trump can get NY to allow natural gas to be transported via pipeline to New England - reduce energy costs in NE and spur natural gas drilling

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While Biden may be brain dead, his staff is surely giving away anything that any left wing group wants in return for a cushy job at many of the well endowed NGOs funded by guilt ridden brain dead billionaires. Here’s a suggestion for future investigation: track what group got want in last six months and match that up against who from the Biden clown show take a job at those Marxist anti-human groups.

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