Jun 19·edited Jun 19

RE: Net Zero -- That which was never alive cannot die. Hence, I rather like Irena's zombie take.

Re: Japan/Korea/Russia gas pipeline -- When Moon Jae-in took the South Korean presidency in 2017 his announced plan was to shut down the highly successful nuclear industry and power plants in South Korea, replace them with wind and solar, and "make up the difference" with natural gas from a pipeline which would run from Russia, through North Korea and deliver gas to South Korea.

So, his plan was to make South Korea's entire energy supply dependent on a pipeline what runs through North Korea. What could go wrong?

This China/Japan/Russia gas pipeline idea sounds like the zombie of Moon Jae-in's plan. Although if David is correct, I guess they've been pushing pipe down from Russia this whole time.

Anyone know? Or was there an available pipeline already most of the way there?

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Like the option to get after the live show as linked live kept dropping me!

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