1) The USA trade restrictions on exporting nuclear electricity generating technology is Procrustean because of "anti -proliferation" rules in the state department. Never mind that nuclear weapons proliferation from commercial nuclear electricity generation is an anti-nuclear propaganda myth. The state department basically demands that any nation receiving our nuclear exports give up its sovereignty in the any field that is at all connected to nuclear technology and put the USA in charge.
That desperately needs fixing.
2) The nitrogen cycle...
Botany is not much of my thing, but where does the nitrogen in manure come from? It has to come from nitrogen in the food that the animal eats. Animals don't extract nitrogen from the air.
Where does the nitrogen in cow food come from? Well, unless the cows were eating beans or clover or some other "nitrogen fixing" plant, the nitrogen was extracted from the soil.
So you now have a situation where you're trying to replace the nitrogen in the soil for all the crops in the country, with just the nitrogen that feedstock crops extracted from the soil. How is that going to work again?
It's like declaring that from now on you will feed your population through cannibalism of your own population.
Love the show. Sorry I never watch it live. Actually, not entirely certain how to watch it live...
Two thoughts.
1) The USA trade restrictions on exporting nuclear electricity generating technology is Procrustean because of "anti -proliferation" rules in the state department. Never mind that nuclear weapons proliferation from commercial nuclear electricity generation is an anti-nuclear propaganda myth. The state department basically demands that any nation receiving our nuclear exports give up its sovereignty in the any field that is at all connected to nuclear technology and put the USA in charge.
That desperately needs fixing.
2) The nitrogen cycle...
Botany is not much of my thing, but where does the nitrogen in manure come from? It has to come from nitrogen in the food that the animal eats. Animals don't extract nitrogen from the air.
Where does the nitrogen in cow food come from? Well, unless the cows were eating beans or clover or some other "nitrogen fixing" plant, the nitrogen was extracted from the soil.
So you now have a situation where you're trying to replace the nitrogen in the soil for all the crops in the country, with just the nitrogen that feedstock crops extracted from the soil. How is that going to work again?
It's like declaring that from now on you will feed your population through cannibalism of your own population.
Love the show. Sorry I never watch it live. Actually, not entirely certain how to watch it live...
Interesting times for sure. The volume of media and speed of communication also impacts the reaction of countries trying to make it in the big stage.
Turley is definitely a cat man.
If we back our money with something it will go away.