Jun 16Liked by David Blackmon

I guess we'd better warn all the folks who are moving to Texas and Florida.

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The Eloi eventually go by way of the DoDo bird

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Jun 17Liked by David Blackmon

I finally watched this an was glad I did,

Turns out that measuring temps in the cities to call it c lie mate change has become bad science!

I love a dickumentary that uses the abusers own information.

Climate: The Movie

YouTube · Food Lies

383.2K+ views · 2 months ago

The film that lifts the lid on the climate alarm, and the dark forces behind the climate consensus. Written and directed by Martin Durkin.

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110+ in Arizona today!

78 is our low temperature.

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Jun 16Liked by David Blackmon

And they wonder why they are having economic issues??!!

What are they going to do if the temperature hits 27C - 80.6F? Then what about the great drop after a rainstorm??!!

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Jun 16Liked by David Blackmon

Hope they are opening cooling centers

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Jun 16Liked by David Blackmon

My giddy aunt, considering I’m sitting in front of a roaring fire in England mid June I’d be delighted at 26 degrees …and then after that proper summer can start please!

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Oh! The Humanity!

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They're doing the same thing her in VA, where it's been the most pleasant, not-hot Spring in a while.


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HEADLINE: "UK Is Incinerated by Global Warming!" (at 78 degrees)

Now immediately get busy slaughtering all mammals, (including humans) chickens, cows, all wildlife, and shut down all farms, because LIFE is a serious problems that's "killing" the planet!

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In fairness, London just doesn't have heat or cold. They freak out in the same way when it gets down to 5C, which would be t-shirt weather in the northern half of US.

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Looks like our low tonight is going to be 25C....

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If you have a minimum annual count for using the essential keyword "heatwave", it helps to start early in the year.

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I realize that this headline in the Daily Mirror sounds ridiculous to us in North America but when you consider that air conditioning in the UK is rare in homes, hospitals & businesses then this headline is not a crazy overreaction.

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