Jun 27Liked by David Blackmon

Every land owner that maintains his or her property is doing good by taming natural wild growth.

Do you maintain a lawn? That's an area where weeds won't take over.

Maintain a tree lot? Nuisance scrub brush won't thrive there. And you add multi faceted value over time. Got a farm? That's called maximizing food/clothing/fuel/ production. Cows are part of that.

You can survive in a wild jungle, but a thriving society can't.

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I hope the Danish farmers fart in their face.

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Jun 27Liked by David Blackmon

If the government - anywhere in the world - wants to reduce animal emissions they should just eliminate politicians as they only produce hot air thereby raising temperatures.

Then we would need less taxes as there would be less graft and corruption. We need to get back to normal everyday work citizens taking a short term in Congress then returning to their home after that one short term. We have net zero need for career politicians - that’s the net zero every taxpayer can support.

Really - taxing livestock with reducing greenhouse gases as an excuse for simply raping, pillaging, and plundering the taxpayer!! And history has it that pirates were thieves.

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If cows ate more gluten free organic grains and tofu they would digest more efficiently we wouldn't have these global warming issues.

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Jun 27Liked by David Blackmon

Can’t believe this nonsense …all based on paid liars in my opinion

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Did the Danes vote to do this, or was it just snuck in?

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Jun 27Liked by David Blackmon

It appears only the absolute stupidest ideas turn into laws these days.

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something is rotten in Denmark & it's not cow farts - perhaps the silver lining will be all the evidence presented in a court case against this rule will demonstrate the absurdity of CO2 being a problem in the first place - the whole problem with the climate alarm is pure ignorance

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Jun 27Liked by David Blackmon

Okay but you forget to mention this is an agreement reached after months of negotiations. National and local governments, environmental groups and the farmers unions are on board. Plus Denmark is one of the most democratic societies in the world. Talking about "Aspiring totalitarians" is total hogwash.

Dairy cows produce thousands of litres of milk per year, a fully grown cow can yield hundreds of kilograms of meat. Compare that to the emissions from one cow per year and its easy to see its a tiny levy that will have little effect on the price of meat or milk.

Couple this with a 60% REDUCTION in income tax (if only we were all so lucky!) AND a fund being set up with the money to give heavily subsidised farmers even more subsidies, and your outrage suddenly seems quite silly.

Also, Bill Gates? Bezos? Are you playing conspiracy theorist bingo or something?

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It's so cute that you apparently believe the government will keep its commitment on those tax cuts and subsidy fund for farmers. You poor thing.

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It’s a pathetic and Ridiculous idea. Can’t believe you defend it. Fuck these people

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Jun 27Liked by David Blackmon

Does this affect sheep?

Apparently they are Denmark's predominant livestock.

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Aha! You might have solved the puzzle over why this is happening. It could be a situation like one of those old westerns where the sheep and cattle ranchers fight over grazing and water rights.

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Of course the AP cheered. "[They] are all castrated robots reading questions from the boss...."

Looked up that Tucker Carlson video. OMG. LOL.

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