Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by David Blackmon

Until there is harsh, even severe, reaction to these idiots behavior it will continue. Even the bystanders actions were a little bit recessive and looked like they were part of the set up. No hard physical reaction? No fists? No pummeling? If there were more painful physical breakup and restraint the entire act would not look like a Hollywood staged production. But then I guess that’s why they don’t try that crap in Texas!

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Poetic justice would have been to hit them with a rock...

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The bystander effect and self-loathing go hand in hand.

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What an idiot. Firstly, there are no "fossil fuels," which was a marketing term created to indicate a false scarcity. Secondly, this twit is "21?" Oxford used to produce the likes of Cecil Rhodes, who helped tame a Continent (that has gone backwards as of this writing) and had a damned nation named after him. Now it produces the likes of this soyboy dipshit? How the mighty institutions have fallen.

Thirdly, ah, it's just too stupid to comment on. Prosperity driven by energy is what makes societies healthier and safer for everyone. Do ANY of these idiots look around and wonder why the "doomsday emergency" we've been hearing about since the 1970s has yet to happen?

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Soy-boy dipshit!


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What are the primary ingredients in that can of spray paint? Anyone?

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Oh, I’m sure that it was pure organic wanker-approved protest powder, not any nasty volatile petroleum distillates!

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Does anyone remember Terry Tate- The Office Linebaker? That’s the treatment these clowns need. Someone to spear them like 1990s Bill Goldberg. It’s hard to vandalize UNESCO sites with broken ribs!

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That kid really deserves to have an in depth ass kicking. Not because of any hope to wake him from his self-induced disgusting misanthropic ignorance. He deserves the ass kicking because he is such a criminal twit.

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If in living I was only able to feel self-contempt, I would hate what was keeping me living, too.

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