I always appreciate reading or hearing Daniel verging, but I’m surprised to hear him say that the “energy transition” turned out to be “more complicated than was initially expected.”
I know I have not been alone for saying for several years that the idea of an “energy transition,” as it was sold to us by the media, NGOs funded by guilt ridden billionaires, know nothing politicians, and anti human marxists that want to control everything, was a naive fantasy based on childish assumptions rather than science and logic.
When do they stop mincing words and start serving their shareholders and society by publicizing reality? Has the public sentiment not quite turned enough yet?
There’s certainly some movement to return to sanity with regards to energy in DC, albeit glacial speed. I have a concern that Congress is tied up with identifying the past administration’s spending corruption and mis-allocations and not moving to accountability with criminal prosecution; which detracts from budgetary progress for the current year. It seems the democrats party of obstructionism is only capable of one mental concept at a time and only moves forward after winning a delay or lost postponement or losing a vote. These are truly regressive principles by regressive people. The resistance to the Trump administration is not a surprise. The dedication to destruction of American laws and justice is definitely the purpose of many of the resisting members of Congress with their army of financial benefactors don’t want to give up the free government money gravy train. That’s largely what’s behind the wind, solar, and battery industry. Even after the facts are in that these 3 are expensive and significantly raise consumers electricity bills, the support for backing these mistakes is just as strong and prevalent as the last decade. One can only view this as a mental illness which helps explain support for other insane policies.
Hopefully the Stste octaves will get a similar effort - lots of wasteful spending to cottal and lots of fraud too. The Medicare fraud is staggering. The damage to citizens electricity bills is backed by horrendous decisions by Perry, and grabbott. The management strategy for the texas grid and the contracting by ERCOT is just simply guaranteeing high rates. The administration of Texas state agencies is simply weak and poorly managed. The top staff at several agencies is lackluster in performance and the governor doesn’t know how and doesn’t hold performance reviews. I’m hopeful a strong candidate emerges with a fiscally conservative background emerged to challenge grabbott. And I absolutely detest the governors staff and grabbott for not responding to several issues with the state agencies over the last decade. I got resolution with no help from grabbott. So a new responsive and responsible person in the governors office would be welcomed.
Medicaid fraud is huge too, and Texas no longer does much of anything about it, under Ken Paxton. I know Dave likes the fellow, but I also have strong indicators that he stopped cases against his friends in the medicaid fraud arena.
The medicaid fraud division of the TX AG's office was a profit center. It brought in far more money than it cost to operate, before Ken Paxton. More than half of the attorneys who were experienced at that work have since left.
Excellent update! Nothing but net! If there had actually ever been a climate crisis, an energy transition may have have had some utility. However at the end of a multi-trillion dollar global boondoggle that has moved the needle on renewable energy contribution very little, I think the facts are in. Fossil fuels are here to stay and that's good for everyone, because you can't do anything here on Earth without reliable energy. Without fossil fuel we can't manufacture products for societal infrastructure such as steel, concrete, rubber, glass, copper, asphalt, electricity, lubricants, and transportation fuels; we can't feed and clothe humanity; we cant maintain our health and quality of life; and, we can't clean up the environment without power either. So Let's hope the endangerment finding is overturned soon. Great Post David!
I always appreciate reading or hearing Daniel verging, but I’m surprised to hear him say that the “energy transition” turned out to be “more complicated than was initially expected.”
I know I have not been alone for saying for several years that the idea of an “energy transition,” as it was sold to us by the media, NGOs funded by guilt ridden billionaires, know nothing politicians, and anti human marxists that want to control everything, was a naive fantasy based on childish assumptions rather than science and logic.
As vice-chairman at S&P Global, he has to mince words on this topic like every other executive.
In other words cowards
When do they stop mincing words and start serving their shareholders and society by publicizing reality? Has the public sentiment not quite turned enough yet?
Not to mention that CO2 is not a problem, and in fact more of it is good for the planet and all of it’s inhabitants
Fair enough. I get to say what I think. An added benefit of having like minded clients.
There’s certainly some movement to return to sanity with regards to energy in DC, albeit glacial speed. I have a concern that Congress is tied up with identifying the past administration’s spending corruption and mis-allocations and not moving to accountability with criminal prosecution; which detracts from budgetary progress for the current year. It seems the democrats party of obstructionism is only capable of one mental concept at a time and only moves forward after winning a delay or lost postponement or losing a vote. These are truly regressive principles by regressive people. The resistance to the Trump administration is not a surprise. The dedication to destruction of American laws and justice is definitely the purpose of many of the resisting members of Congress with their army of financial benefactors don’t want to give up the free government money gravy train. That’s largely what’s behind the wind, solar, and battery industry. Even after the facts are in that these 3 are expensive and significantly raise consumers electricity bills, the support for backing these mistakes is just as strong and prevalent as the last decade. One can only view this as a mental illness which helps explain support for other insane policies.
Even if we clear the wind/solar/BS cruft out of the federal government, how are we going to dispense with it in the state and local governments?
Who is going to DOGE Texas, e.g.?
Hopefully the Stste octaves will get a similar effort - lots of wasteful spending to cottal and lots of fraud too. The Medicare fraud is staggering. The damage to citizens electricity bills is backed by horrendous decisions by Perry, and grabbott. The management strategy for the texas grid and the contracting by ERCOT is just simply guaranteeing high rates. The administration of Texas state agencies is simply weak and poorly managed. The top staff at several agencies is lackluster in performance and the governor doesn’t know how and doesn’t hold performance reviews. I’m hopeful a strong candidate emerges with a fiscally conservative background emerged to challenge grabbott. And I absolutely detest the governors staff and grabbott for not responding to several issues with the state agencies over the last decade. I got resolution with no help from grabbott. So a new responsive and responsible person in the governors office would be welcomed.
Medicaid fraud is huge too, and Texas no longer does much of anything about it, under Ken Paxton. I know Dave likes the fellow, but I also have strong indicators that he stopped cases against his friends in the medicaid fraud arena.
The medicaid fraud division of the TX AG's office was a profit center. It brought in far more money than it cost to operate, before Ken Paxton. More than half of the attorneys who were experienced at that work have since left.
Excellent update! Nothing but net! If there had actually ever been a climate crisis, an energy transition may have have had some utility. However at the end of a multi-trillion dollar global boondoggle that has moved the needle on renewable energy contribution very little, I think the facts are in. Fossil fuels are here to stay and that's good for everyone, because you can't do anything here on Earth without reliable energy. Without fossil fuel we can't manufacture products for societal infrastructure such as steel, concrete, rubber, glass, copper, asphalt, electricity, lubricants, and transportation fuels; we can't feed and clothe humanity; we cant maintain our health and quality of life; and, we can't clean up the environment without power either. So Let's hope the endangerment finding is overturned soon. Great Post David!
Looks like they want to be a "shell" of their former selves... https://www.wsj.com/business/deals/shell-explores-sale-of-chemicals-assets-in-u-s-and-europe-170b6d02?st=aCgS35&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink
"...because it was IMPLEMENTING a year before the regulation was written...."
Should be
"...because it was IMPLEMENTED a year before the regulation was written...."