Jun 26Liked by David Blackmon

A lack of segregation allowed the fire to escalate in a few seconds.

The responder obviously did not know that hand-held extinguishers are useless.

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It looked like the extinguisher made it worse. I kept mentally yelling, "Run! Get out now!." Especially that one guy who seemed to be trapping himself on the side, instead of heading down the aisle, presumably to an exit.

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Coming soon to an EV School Bus near you.

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OMG how horrible! Not enough of this information gets out to the public.

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Excellent video.

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I like that guy. Never saw him before. Thank you.

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That's terrifying. There are so many EV cars on the road already that it seems to be a disaster waiting to happen every time...

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Apparently, when batteries short out and reach 160 degrees they catch fire and then they can't be put out by conventional means - if you have an electric car and you park to close to the curb, scraping one side, you might have damaged the battery pack, which could cause a combustible fire - apparently you must have your car checked (big bucks) to make sure no potential damage has occurred.

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Look like a halogen or something sort of chemical fire suppression system went off. Those system are typically 100% fatal to anyone still in the room. We had compressed CO2 dump systems on our gas turbines, which will also terminate you in short order.

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Yes. The gas based suppression agents like halogen and co2 will put out the physical fire ie: oxygen fed fire burning through standard physical matter. But they won't put out the electrical fire, the chemical fire or the metal fire that are all part of a lithium battery fire.

Really the simplest solution for a lithium battery fire is to place it in a correspondingly large container of running water. Admittedly, placing an e.v., a ship or warehouse full of burning lithium batteries in a suitable container of running water presents some difficulties. While the pressure wave from exploding lithium battery fires is relatively small, the shrapnel flowing from the explosion adds another layer of complexity to applying any solutions no matter how effective.

Fortunately, by their nature ships almost always provide a large body water at hand. Absent a conveniently timed series of tsunamis sufficiently large and closely timed to keep all the burning batteries in a warehouse submerged for a period of time, the effort to contain such fires is definitely beyond the ability of the local volunteer fire department. As for e.v. lithium battery fires, the best solution is to let it burn out, accept the results as the cost of doing business and attach those costs to all the other externalities that are ignored when talking about the cost of green policies to society.

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If the feds can effectively cancel our 4th of July fireworks as an extension of the Covid panic from legislatures, it should not be a stretch for them to cancel battery industries.. At least, one would think.

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At least organize a lithium battery demonstration fire on the 4th. 🤣

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My city (Port Colborne, Ontario, Canada) recently announced that they're putting in a lithium ion battery separator plant. Traitor Trudeau and Ford came over to make the announcement. We had a protest outside, but there were just a few of us. Not that I think a little protest is going to change their minds...

Any suggestions for stopping that kind of monstrosity of a building going up?

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How tragic.

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And yet, they will still force these upon us.

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"These things are menaces to society."

Absolutely! Right along with the UN, WHO, Climate scam, communism, the religion of pieces, & not least, the O'Biden administration, & the bioweapon jab master promoters, Fauci & Birx (sounds like a vaudeville team, but flatly unfunny.)

And also Pres Trump if he does not disavow the lies about jabs saving tens of millions of lives! Somehow, all these parts & more equate to thugs pulling off the most horrendous & deadly scams ever!

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This huge cloud of poison, impressive.

It is certainly completely irrelevant for nature, air quality and groundwater. You can certainly still drink the extinguishing water, just like that.

If people in the neighbourhood develop respiratory problems soon, I strongly recommend a 'virus test'. For me, that is the most obvious explanation.

Just stop oil!!!

Irony off.

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Just an "inconvenient truth". Oh, but it's all for the children!

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It hurts me to see that they use lithium batteries in some really cool yachts. Nothing like blowing up at sea in the beautiful boat you saved your entire life to enjoy!


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yes, extreme caution is in order. Lithium chemistry is per definition unstable.

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