Peter Hitchens is a well-known British author and commentator who writes for an array of publications including The Spectator, The Mail on Sunday, The Guardian and others. He and his late younger brother, Christopher Hitchens, have been exploding the popular myths and hoaxes of UK and American political culture for the last 30 years or so.
In the video below, Peter Hitchens delivers an acerbic takedown of the netzero fantasy being pursued by the UK’s Labour government now, accurately detailing the negative consequences for British citizens.
It is something that should be required viewing in every UK household and political office.
A transcript follows for those who prefer to read stuff:
What do people actually think they're achieving?
Anybody can look - it's called the the energy dashboard - you can get it up on your computer any time and see on a normal day in this country where the power which is lighting your home and your place of work and everything else, you see where it's coming from.
And on a day when the wind isn't blowing, it's largely coming from gas or it's coming from imported power, which quite often comes from the Netherlands, where they still burn coal. We don't burn coal anymore because we didn't just close down our coal fired power stations, we blew them up - we were so certain we were right to do so.
At the same time, China is, even as we speak, building the equivalent of two, I think, two new coal fired power stations a week. India has a vast expansion program of coal fired power stations.
Even if George is right about his tremendous predictions of apocalypse, even if he's right, the contribution which this country is making by what it's doing to these, to these outcomes is not merely minimal. It's nonexistent. Everything that we do is completely blotted out by what much larger countries are doing to maintain their own power.
Now, if you want to live in a country with net zero, if you want a country where nobody can afford to heat their house, where people have incredibly expensive and largely nonfunctioning heat pumps inflicted on them, if you want that kind of thing happen, if you want lots of people to lose their jobs because there's no energy. If you want to be cold all the time, if you want the computers which make life possible in practically every form of life to shut down every so often, then carry on believing that the demand to go for net zero, to keep it in the ground, is intelligent and thoughtful.
He’s right, you know.
That is all.
Notice the people in the crowd, looking like they've never heard such utter
logic before. Now with common sense in our White House, the disparity
between Europe and USA will grow dramatically, in all aspects of life.
"It's the economy, stupid"
As the USA will thrive on reliable and affordable power, it will be in stark contract to the direction that the UK is going. That will become obvious to UK bill payers who will petition for an end to net zero in its current form. UK politicians will get hammered.
George Monbiot, the other guy shown on the panel I think, has become the dinosaur of the environmental movement. Times have moved on.