Jun 19Liked by David Blackmon

I seems to me the EV market has reached the saturation point. The people living in the real world of having to do things to stay alive, the people who reject looking for a green halo to impress their woke friends, know the difference between a useful method of transportation and a virtue-signalling ornament.

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Jun 19Liked by David Blackmon

No surprise here.

More to come.

And the leftists continue to beat the EV drum.

Is there any doubt that the leftists are trying to destroy everything - including us!

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Nikola Truck is not far behind. Can’t sell anything and stock is at 48 cents as of this morning. Nevertheless CA is banning the diesel engine. What a cruel joke.

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Nikola has been dead since before that first truck was built then pushed down a hill to get rolling shots of it for troglodyte news reporters. And California is going to quickly find out what it has wrought with its completely impossible electrification dictates on trucks at the Long Beach and San Pedro ports. It's going to get very ugly very soon. If there were any normal functioning states on the West Coast, this would be a huge opportunity for a port director in one of them to easily steal traffic from CA. But WA and OR are just as dumb as California is.

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Agreed. I work for the country's largest railroad and am well versed in this area.

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Jun 19Liked by David Blackmon

welcome to gravity

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EVs are the ultimate generational " I told you so"🤦🤷

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Meanwhile our federal government,and some state governments, are throwing away billions promoting products that consumers clearly aren’t clamoring to get. This push for EVs and “green” energy is going to be the greatest boondoggle in the history of man and cause tremendous harm to businesses and individuals. The climate cultists are creating a real apocalypse in their efforts to stop a phantom apocalypse.

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When is the Green Industrial Complex going to stop acting like environmental miscreants with a one track mind. They could do so much good for the billions people living in energy poverty. Go from ignoble to noble.

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Jun 19Liked by David Blackmon

“This is the second pure play EV company Heinrick Fisker has deftly managed into ultimate bankruptcy. Though we can be certain he personally became fabulously wealthy in the process, because of course he did.”

Wait for it, I’m So Shocked!


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Fisker's wife made out well too. She is CFO, and a big reason the company failed.

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Jun 19Liked by David Blackmon

I’ve been expectantly watching Musk to see if he will make some sort of move to extricate himself from Tesla and let it wither on the vine and die a natural death…

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Jun 20Liked by David Blackmon

This is a "smash the like button" piece. Your description of Fisker's leading now TWO companies with his name on the letterhead into bankruptcy as 'deft' is fantastic. It got a chortle out of me. I know a guy with an original Karma; it's kind of great looking if a pointless thing.

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Well written piece that underscores the lunacy that is the "green" movement. EVs, as stated, are always going to be appealing to a niche market that is okay with the limited utility, higher cost of ownership, and LONG charging time compared to ICE vehicles.

We'll look back on the past ten years or so as a colossal waste of taxpayer wealth driven by central planners who did not believe in free markets. The drawdown from "EVs for Everybody" is well underway.

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This is a sign that the faltering Biden economy has affected even the higher-income buyers who choose EVs.

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