As a 15 year old idealist in 1970 I attended the first Earth Day teach in at Brown University. I watched wealthy Brown students bury a car ( I hitch hiked to the rally, I could have used that car to get to school and work), I then walked across campus to hear Barry Commoner. To get into the lecture, I was asked (strongly encouraged) to sign a pledge that I would never have more than two children. I come from a large Irish Catholic family, I have 72 first cousins and 32 aunts, uncles (counting their spouses). With one or two exceptions all of us/them were engaged in productive activities and contributing to society. Several were, in their fields, accomplished Dr's, scientists, musicians, artists, entrepreneurs but most were just normal productive members of society; teachers, craftsman, members of the military, government employees etc.. I stopped before signing and thought which one of my extended family (including my severely handicapped brother) the world would be better off without. Answer, none. I declined to sign, listened to the lecture and never thought of "environmentalism" in a positive light since then.

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The WEF is disgusting but even more shocking are the people who support them!! If you dig into their belief and get a real in person conversation with them you immediately realize there is no real understanding of the details and methods to eliminate ‘carbon’. And they consider themselves part of the elite, thus will be treated preferentially and should be by all of us commoners now. They don’t know carbon is a solid, CO2 is a gas at all temperature and pressure combinations we humans walk around in, don’t know that H is an element and also a gas like CO2, that carbon sequestration is really not about carbon but about money laundering on the carbon credits exchange, etc, etc, ad nauseum. None of them are cognizant of the fact that other organizations have succumbed to the ‘globalist’ agenda and are also corrupt money laundering machines. By and large the supporters of the WEF don’t believe they will eat crickets but you will, and fake meat is for you not them. And so on. Truly this is a cult following fully deluded.

This will not end well for them!

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We are seeing from the DOGE revelations that their Green Agenda/IRA is just a big Slush Fund for the politically connected DemonRat machine. i.e. a newly formed NGO linked to Stacey Abrams, with zero experience, zero science or tech background, zero credentials given $2B to supposedly facilitate building electrification, i.e. replace low cost gas with expensive heat pumps and induction stoves.

If they REALLY cared about CO2 emissions, they would rationally evaluate each project under consideration using the metric $/ton of CO2 emissions avoided. And then they would select the projects with the lowest cost/benefit ratio. That's the exact opposite of what they are actually doing. Even if you picked a highly experienced firm, with a long successful track record, run by really smart engineers, to do your building electrification program, it would still be a total loser because the carbon abatement cost of that method is just plain sky high.

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And why is it that a**holes like this never start with themselves?

This is, fundamentally, the mindset behind the entire “climate change” movement.

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Yes. My reply to people espousing those views is always, "Okay, why don't you go first?"

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love your attitude!

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When was this recorded? He is the epitome of elite evil.

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Sometime in the 1990s.

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well they are off to a good start with mRNA vaccines that will kill hundreds of millions - then things like chem trails spewing toxic chemicals in the air and poisoning the soil and food supply

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Seems the plant is currently supporting 8 billion carbon units so that argument is out the window. And if Mr. Meadows would like to lead the way I would be happy to help him leave.

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Apparently, it’s OK to be a psychopath . . . You just have to be the right sort of psychopath. Nazism is evil. But, its mirror image is something that we should all aspire to. Any population trimming should start with the Club of Rome and their ilk.

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Nazism morphed into Ecofascism after the WW2.

William Kay on Ecofascism and Nazi Germany, EcoFascism


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Amazing video. What amazes me about it is how ignorant plus stupid it is. Zero details on how he proposes to pull off his completely made-up necessity of one billion people max. It reminds me of how arrogance is the father of stupidity and ignorance. And, of course, there is no class of people in the world more arrogant than the global elite.

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"Pompous Ass" is the name of the Malthusian acolytes such as this "club of rome" member; (No, I will not capitalize the words, they don't deserve the respect). Note the comfortable surroundings, the six panel doors, the fine china behind glass on display, the comfortable furniture, and all of the trappings of wealth and comfort. I have more respect for the mud-hut dweller who rails against and threatens the life of the corrupt dictator keeping him in poverty. This organization along with its cousins show nothing but contempt for civilization. They are not on some "holy mission" to save the planet, they are the self-anointed benevolent dictators who imagine themselves supreme beings. This is what happens when they abandon the believe of a true Supreme Being, and use moral relativism to promote their evil intentions.

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Correction: self-anointed malevolent dictators.

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I was only able to watch the video for about a minute before my “stupidity level” alarm went off and I had to save myself from drowning. For a planet / society that can only support 1 billion (where this number comes from is some kind of mystery), the fact that 8 billion are alive and living better on average than ever before should be fairly interesting to these people. We can fix problems like how to feed the world in continually improved ways (and of course, fossil fuel powered and enhanced fertilizers, planting, growing, harvesting, and transporting of food makes all of this work). We cannot however fix stupidity or anyone who chooses to believe it as a matter of faith.

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They will reject the evidence of hte world currently supporting its population by claiming it is not sustainable and then make up lies about our farm soil degrading.

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I'm not the only one hearing folks rant about farm soil, after hundreds of years of consistently productive use?

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They just passed a Bill in Arizona making chemtrails illegal. At least people are starting to pay attention to all the absurdities these globalists are promoting and implementing.

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Thank you. Yes , I have been aware of this for a long time. But 99% of people have never heard of this Club. I will now read and listen.

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I’ve thought this of the world elites for a while, ever since I read Dan Brown’s “Inferno”.

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...And "capture." Think of it as a roundup, and we are the cattle.

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Elimination of carbon, removal and storage of it, castigating it as evil; any variation on this theme

is the utmost in folly. Gray hair and white beard was a sign of wisdom and humility for eons.

Now too often an object of memes.

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I have yet to see a full and unapologetic rejection of the carbon narrative. It’s time to stop legitimizing this manufactured crisis and shut down every last carbon capture for permanent sequestration scheme. These projects are scams that waste billions, strangle our energy industry, and serve as a Trojan horse for more control and regulation. The push for carbon capture is not about science or the environment, this is about power, profit, and control. Enough is enough. End this nonsense and scrap every single carbon capture project and the unnecessary pipelines now!

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Sounds like you are the one up for the job, Kassie. The fraud must be stopped and the momentum to do so is now. Just staggering this 'carbon is evil' concept even got a foothold. Press on...

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