Can we have a voluptuous Hydrocarbon Woman too?

With real XX chromosomes?

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I will run that up the USOGA flagpole. :)

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3 hrs agoLiked by David Blackmon

Was a perfect opportunity to demonstrate the system on a perfect day, like, with sunshine.

Guaranteed that generator, with Commodore's emblazoned name, is still part of the real system for when sun is down. Or a huge storage battery to keep just small things going.

Got to be a name for the Green's equivalent of 'car salesman'...

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5 hrs agoLiked by David Blackmon

Another example is Hawaii Electric which adopted the "Green New Deal" a few years before the IRA. Here is my update on Hawaii....a true energy island. “Update on Hawaii’s Glimpse of the Future of the Green New Deal” March 20, 2024: http://dickstormprobizblog.org/2024/03/20/hawaii-a-glimpse-into-the-future-of-the-green-new-deal-aka-inflation-reduction-act-here-is-an-update/

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5 hrs agoLiked by David Blackmon

That they brought the just-in-case generators with them tells you all you need to know about reliability/intermittency.

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LOL! It looks like Commodore slapped one of their labels on the diesel generator. :-|

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2 hrs agoLiked by David Blackmon

That's Funny.

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5 hrs agoLiked by David Blackmon

Friggen love it. More evidence of renewables hypocrisy.

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Marketing and sales to stupid people in action!! This is so typical of today's energy hypocrisy. On a related note, I love how the companies selling backup batteries for the home simply market their products as "safe pollution-free generators" when all they are is a big battery--always plugged into the garage outlet so it is ready. After they sell you your generator, they can also sell you (for an extra $100-200) a solar array that will provide "hours of electricity for the "solar generator" and it all uses free solar energy. The saddest part is that this is the state of our education system today. These companies know that they are dealing with stupid people and we continue to get dumber on energy issues.

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Oh the hypocrisy of it all. Climate grifters are so . . . Well just downright dishonest scheming scamming grifters.

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Love it!

Can you send HydroCarbon Man over here - I have a few jobs he can do too to save the day!

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