Sundance at the magnificent blog, The Conservative Treehouse, says that these people can only succeed by pretending not to know things that are patently obvious, and convince others of it. This is a prime example.
Yeah, we got to "break down the data by gender". LMAO. These people live by learning the latest buzz words and spitting them out, no matter how stupid it sounds. So long as they say the right buzz words they applaud each other. But seriously, I wonder how many genders they think the data have?
Pure Marxist-Leninism: the more the Left can force normal people to say things they know are not true, the more perfect becomes their control.
What nonsense.
These people are truly sick, disgusting.
That’s all you can say.
I wonder how much blood will be spilled by these butchers and their sickeningly benign causes.
Sundance at the magnificent blog, The Conservative Treehouse, says that these people can only succeed by pretending not to know things that are patently obvious, and convince others of it. This is a prime example.
Do they really believe their own BS??
Enjoying my morning black coffee, almost ruined by this drivel.
Take away is what, again? That women will change the climate?
That we don't need men anymore? That individuals are important if they are all
steered in the same One World Order direction? Whatever the goal, it stinks.
If these people are actually being paid, including cost of the trip, to listen to this nonsense how do I get appointed to be a delegate?
I cannot believe people sit there and listen to this garbage. Defund the UN.
Yeah, we got to "break down the data by gender". LMAO. These people live by learning the latest buzz words and spitting them out, no matter how stupid it sounds. So long as they say the right buzz words they applaud each other. But seriously, I wonder how many genders they think the data have?
Amazing gobbledegoop!!! Word salads, anyone?!?!
This has to be biggest gathering of morons on earth!!
Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others.
<insert laugh emoji here>
Okay, I effin' give up - how many crickets must I eat to get you morons off myh back?
Must be why there are only 14 people in the room.
Men are resisting. Make propaganda aimed at women!
როგორი აზრთა წყობა არის?
ცინიზმის პიკი.
ბატონებო,დიდი ფული კეთდება.სინდიკატი არის.სახელმწიფო ბოსები წილში იქნება.
გამარჯობათ.საქართველოდან ვწერ ტექსტს.6 თვე,წერილებს ვწერ ფონდებს.6 თვე ვაკვირდები.ამაზრზენი ხალხი 90%.
ეს ხალხი ავადმყოფები არის.გაუნათლებელი ხალხი.კატასტროფა.
ვიქტორ სალუქვაძე.